Video - Israeli Media Reports - Syrian Rebels Behind Sarin Gas Attack

The media is at again blaming the Syrian President Assad for gassing innocent civilians. Remember 2013 the gas attack that was meant to justify putting boots on the ground. Eren Erdem exposed this sinister plot by ISIS and Turkey to blame Syria. Now the famed White Helmets are working with the Syrian Rebels in what appears to be another blame game gas attack.

Video report - National Action Plan is not being properly implemented: Bilawal Bhutto

The National Action Plan is not being properly implemented in the country, said Pakistan Peoples Party Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Wednesday.
He was speaking to the media at the Sadhu Bela temple near Sukkur on Wednesday.
Bilawal condemned the blast on Bedian Road in Lahore, saying the government should fulfil the promises such as those regarding forming a national security committee of the Parliament so that terrorism-related issues could be addressed. 

“The National Action Plan is not being implemented,” Bilawal told reporters. "There are many points [[of NAP] that have not been addressed, such as the reemergence of banned organisations under new names or the judicial reforms or action against terrorists in Punjab."  
When asked when he would enter Punjab, the PPP chairperson responded, “I keep on visiting Punjab and keep on working. I am travelling to Lahore tomorrow.”
Bilawal was at the temple for lunch hosted by opposition leader Khursheed Shah. Upon his arrival, Bilawal was welcomed by Shah's son.
According to the in charge of the event, a special menu has been prepared for Bilawal, which included vegetable curry, rice bread, chickpea curry and many other dishes, besides various seasonal fruits.
Other leaders of the party were also present on the occasion.

Pakistan - Sheikhupura: Christian sweeper shot dead for refusing to work on Sunday

A Pakistani Christian shot dead for refusing to work on Sunday. In keeping with details, 20-years-old Noman Munir Masih was gunned down because he had refused to clean the house of an influential local Muslim Daanu Chadder. British Pakistani Christian Association reports that Noman worked as a sweeper and was not willing to work on Sunday; that exasperated Daanu Chadder.
BPCA further revealed that Daanu Chadder was offended by the boldness of Noman. Daanu had allegedly threatened Noman that he would “break his legs and riddle his body with bullets.” Three days after the incident, two assailants sprayed bullets at Noman who succumbed to the injuries on the spot. Details emerged that Daanu Chaddar the prime suspect in this case has been arrested by the police. However, police have not brought murder charges against Daanu Chaddar.
Noman Masih’s bereaved mother Khalida Bibi told Morning Star News that: They were about to leave after dropping off Noman when suddenly two motorcyclists arrived there. One of them whipped out a pistol and opened fire on Noman, killing him instantly.”
Remaking about the incident, Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the BPCA, said: “Christians are despised in Pakistan because their faith is believed to taint their very soul. Even touching one is believed to make Muslims ritually impure and in many places in Pakistan, Christians are forced to drink water from puddles and streams because they are denied access to clean water pumps.
“This latest murder of a cleaner adds to a growing list of similar murders, where Christian sweepers have refused to clean an area or have politely asked for a Muslim to move so that they can finish cleaning the road. Quite commonly the perpetrators are never found despite many witnesses, never charged despite clear evidence or never convicted, as families under duress agree to receive compensation in lieu of hurt caused by the murder.”

Editorial: Facebook must reject Pakistani blasphemy demand

The rulers of Pakistan have stepped up a campaign against blasphemy. That’s frightening news from an Islamic nation where insulting the official religion is a capital crime.
From an American perspective, this would merely be a distant nation’s horror but for one thing: Silicon Valley’s tech industry. As part of the crackdown, Pakistani leaders have asked executives of Facebook and Twitter to help them help root out people who post blasphemous material on social media sites from anywhere in the world.
Facebook has not commented publicly on the issue, but a Pakistani official says the company will be sending a team to discuss the government’s request. More recently, Pakistan’s Interior Ministry claimed Facebook’s administrators have been blocking and removing blasphemous content.
Facebook should adhere to its proclaimed goal of “protecting the privacy and rights of our users,” not only in the United States but around the world. That’s especially important in countries with repressive regimes.
Online companies have a complicated challenge in a worldwide array of cultures and standards. But social media sites have an obligation to directly refuse to cooperate with a repressive regime’s wish to squelch free expression and dissent, even if that refusal means having their sites blocked in those countries.
Google and Facebook have been blocked in China since 2009, unwilling to comply with requests there. Pakistan has banned both Facebook and YouTube temporarily in the past decade after they allowed posting of material the government deemed “objectionable.”
Michael De Dora, a representative to the United Nations from the nonprofit Center for Inquiry, said: “We do not want to see the people of Pakistan cut off from such a powerful and far-reaching platform as Facebook. But we hope Facebook makes clear that it will not compromise its users’ safety or freedom through disclosure.”
Pakistan is far from alone in rejecting free speech. The Pew Research Center found last year that, as of 2014, 26 percent of the world’s countries and territories had laws or policies against blasphemy, and 13 percent had laws or policies against apostasy, or rejecting religion entirely. Punishments range from fines to execution. The laws are most common in the Middle East and North Africa. But Pakistan’s policies and its leaders’ rhetoric are worse than most. According to unofficial tallies, since 1990 at least 68 people have been killed there over allegations of blasphemy, and currently about 40 people are on death row or serving life sentences. Last week, three bloggers were arrested on blasphemy charges.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif calls blasphemy an “unpardonable offense.”
The truly unpardonable offense would be for any social media company to acquiesce to this pressure. Facebook and Twitter need to stand strong.

Liberal Pakistan continues to turn a blind eye to genocide of minorities in Pakistan

Aamir Hussaini

On 31th March,2017, another bomb blast claimed the lives of innocent Shias. This time it was at the Parachinar Imambarghah, targeting the women’s entrance.
Where was the outcry from the so-called enlightened liberals of Pakistan? Checking the social media accounts of Najam Sethi and co, you would be forgiven for thinking nothing had happened. These accounts either remained silent or, when something was said, it was ambiguous and obfuscatory to the point of meaninglessness.
One Punjabi nationalist liberal activist wrote:
پارہ چنار وچ بم دھماکہ فرقہ واریت 22 شہید
An admin and founder of a self-proclaimed liberal website a shared post on his FB wall which referred to the blast but ignored the sectarian dimension. There were no posts against the #ShiaGenocide.
A person who recently faced threats of torture from pro-extremist lobby in Pakistani state posted dozens of times about the court case filed by the on of Abdurasheed Ghazi of Red Mosque but not a single tweet or status to show his solidarity with Shiite community.
Veteran human rights activist Asma Jahanghir kept silent and we saw not a single tweet from her side. Her facbook wall is also silent.
We can contrast this with the case of Molvi Abdul Waheed (AKA Ayyaz Nizami) whom they defended after he was attacked for being an atheist. These same liberal activists were quick to intervene in that case, but they could not show that same quickness for the Shia victims of Prachinar. This is part of a pattern. Even when there is condemnation, such as towards the killers of a cousin of the late Dr Abdul Salam who was murdered for being Ahmadi, they refuse to place the blame where it belongs, with takfiri Deobandi groups
Yet these same liberal activists can bee seen sharing fake videos of invented sectarian atrocities in Syria and Iraq. They claim attacks like Parachinar are revenge for these atrocities – ignoring the fact that the Syrian conflict started in 2012 and such bombings have been going on for 30 years.
The ‘liberals’ of Pakistan are happy to condone terrorism abroad and overlook it at home. By swallowing whole and regurgitating false binaries like Shia vs Sunni and Military establishment vs Civil Society they have become part of the conspiracy of silence around the roots and the targets of Deobandi militancy.


As many as 150 Pakistanis have embraced martyrdoms due to attacks by the Deobandi terrorists who have formed an alliance against the nation of Pakistan.

Deobandi Jamaatul Ahrar, a faction of Daesh-allied Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for massacre of more than 13 Pakistani Muslims in Lahore Mall Road bombing on February 13, 2017. Same Day a Bomb Disposal Squad staffer and another Muslim citizen of Pakistan were martyred while they were trying to defuse a bomb thrown there by Deobandi terrorists on Saryab Road Quetta.
Jamaatul Ahrar claimed responsibility for killings of 5 Muslims including three security officials in Mohmand Agency (FATA) on February 15 last.
Deobandi Taliban (TTP) claimed responsibility for attack on a judges van in which driver was killed on February 15 in Peshawar. Three security officials were killed in Awaran Balochistan due to a roadside bomb blast on February 16.
At least 90 devotees were martyred in Lal Shahbaz Qalandar shrine in Sehwan Sharif and Daesh claimed responsibility for that suicide bombing on February 16 last.
5 Muslims were murdered in terrorist attack on a court building in Charsadda on February 21. Security officials took timely action and sent three terrorists to hell before they could reach their targets.
At least 10 Muslims were killed in Lahore Defence Area blast on February 23.
At least 22 Shia Muslims were martyred in a car bomb blast outside an Imam Bargah in Parachinar Kurram Agency. Hundreds of Sunni and Shia Muslims were injured in Deobandi/takfiri terrorist attacks across Pakistan in two months.
And today, Deobandi suicide bomber hits census team in Lahore.

#LahoreBlast - ‘We shouldn’t blame Lahore blast on external forces’

Today Lahore became a victim of another terror attack on Bedian road. Up till now there have been six deaths. The attack was on a census team, which resulted in the death of four military personnel and two census officials. Around 18 people have been injured in the attack. The suicide bomber was around 20 years old according to reports.
The last census was conducted in 1998. According to it, the population was 132.352 million. There have been various reasons for not conducting a census in all these years.
The Nation spoke to Air Vice Marshall (R) Shahid Latif and Lt General (retd) Ghulam Mustafa to take their opinion the recent attack.
Air Vice Marshall (R) Shahid Latif said, “We have to see who is a beneficiary in this attack. If we recall, MQM was on the forefront in raising voices against the census. During Musharraf’s tenure, they were given a lot of favor in terms of seats. They felt endangered that 2017 census would lessen their hold in Karachi.” Importance of census was also discussed. “Census would bring out the exact figures of our population, otherwise how would we know how many people exist in Pakistan. Census helps the government in working on education, employment, health and other issues,” he said. When provinces made polio drops compulsory for every child, polio teams were also attacked. “Census is being attack just the same way as Polio teams were attacked because the extremist elements did not approve of it.”
Considering who could be behind this attack Shahid Latif said, “We should not blame it on external forces, the problem exists within us. Our political forces especially MQM is against census in Pakistan.”
While discussing the details of Pakistan Army he said, “200,000 army officials are deployed in 2017census. Pakistan Army is already involved in fighting against terrorists and now they are working with census teams. Why can’t the civil government ever take responsibility? During every crisis why is the Army called in? This is not Army’s job. But they come only to facilitate the public and resolve their issues.”
Regarding the ongoing operations against terrorism he said, “Even Radd ul Fasaad is not the Army’s duty, but when the government is not implementing National Action Plan, it had to be taken up. The government is giving a wrong impression to the public Zarb-e-Azb would be conducted all over Pakistan, for that we would need a one crore force. Due to all this the Pakistan army is engaged at all fronts.”
Regarding terrorism he was of the view that “the census will not stop, but elimination of terrorists can take place but not terrorism till the roots are not finished.”
“Arresting a couple of people will not help as there is a big network behind them. A whole mindset exists behind them needs to be sabotaged. Their facilitators put a chit to heaven in their pockets and send them to blow up. It is they who need to be caught.”
The Nation also spoke to Lt Gen Retd Ghulam Mustafa. He said, “Even though it seems as if the attack was to stop the census but there is another side to it too. Yesterday Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said that Daesh (ISIS) has been eliminated from Pakistan. This could be a message from them to let us know that they very much exist here. The army was their target.”
Regarding Sartaj Aziz’s statement he said, “We don’t realize war on terror is going to be a very long war. We declared victory too soon.”
He was of the view that operation in Punjab needs to be conducted more forcefully, “The operation was held back by the Punjab Government since a long time. There are around 21 sleeper cells in Punjab and they need to be shut down immediately as terrorists have space to nurture,” Ghulam Mustafa said.
“Terrorism in Pakistan is not without support from power brokers in the country. They can’t survive without financial help and power brokers. We need to get hold of those who are helping these terrorists, which is our weakness in this whole war against terror,” he adds.
As for military courts he said, “If I was in General Bajwa’s place I would have refused to put up military courts now. Military courts have been politicized and then the right of appeal is there and then lawyers interfere in it. Either there should Military Courts that function as they are supposed to or put an end to them.”
There is an ongoing operation in Punjab named Radd-ul-Fasaad. It was initiated right after Charing Cross attack. Since then there have been two major blasts in Lahore. One is officially declared an accident caused by gas cylinders in Defence Z block, and today’s attack on census teams.

Taliban attack kills 6 in Pakistan, including census workers

By Zaheer Babar and Munir Ahmed 
A Taliban suicide bomber struck a vehicle carrying census workers in eastern Pakistan on Wednesday, killing two data collectors and four soldiers who were escorting them, officials said.
The attack took place on the outskirts of Lahore, said Malik Ahmad Khan, the provincial government spokesman. A local police official, Mohammad Afzal, said that 15 other people were wounded in the blast, which damaged nearby shops.
Mohammad Khurasani, a spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying the group sought to target Pakistan’s “impure army,” which he called a “slave of America.” The militant group’s chief, Mullah Fazlullah, who is believed to be hiding in Afghanistan, ordered the attack, the spokesman said.
Elsewhere in Pakistan, two gunmen shot and killed a former Pakistani army colonel in southern city of Karachi, said police official Rao Rafiq. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, a Pakistani group linked to the Taliban and al-Qaida, claimed responsibility in a text message sent to an Associated Press reporter.
Since Pakistan threw its support behind the United States in its war against terror in 2001, militant groups have killed thousands of people in a bid to overthrow the government and install their own harsh interpretation of Islamic law. Pakistan’s military has carried out scores of operations, killing thousands of suspected militants.
Pakistan’s army chief, Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, paid tribute to the victims of Wednesday’s attack and said the census would be completed at any cost.
Kabul denies it is sheltering any militant groups, but various extremist factions launch attacks on both countries across the porous border. Pakistan launched the national census last month, the country’s first in 19 years.
Tens of thousands of data collectors, supported by 200,000 Pakistani soldiers, go door-to-door for the project, which is to be finished by May 15. However, societal conservatism and a lack of women census takers could result in Pakistan’s female population being under-represented.

چئیرمین پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی بلاول بھٹو زرداری کا لاہور میں بم دھماکے کے نیتجے میں شہادتوں پر شدید رنج و غم کا اظہار

نودیرو (5 اپریل 2017) پاکستان پیپلزپارٹی کے چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے لاہور میں بم دھماکے کے نتیجے میں 4 فوجی جوانوں سمیت 6 افراد کے شہید ہونے پر شدید رنج و غم کا اظہار کیا ہے۔ اپنے جاری کردہ بیان میں انہوں نے کہا کہ دہشتگردوں نے عوام کو ذھنی سکون سے محروم کر دیا ہے، نیز وہ ہمارے جوانوں، شہریوں، اسکولوں، ہسپتالوں، مذہبی مقامات وغیرہ کو نشانہ بنا رہے ہیں۔ ان کا مزید کہنا تھا دہشتگردی کا خاتمہ صرف اسی صورت میں ممکن ہے کہ قومی ایکشن پلان پر چاروں صوبوں میں یکساں طور عملدرآمد کیا جائے۔ پی پی پی چیئرمین نے کہا کہ وہ ہر قسم کی دہشتگردی کے خلاف ہیں اور پی پی پی ملک میں ہونے والی دہشتگردی کے تمام متاثرین کی وارث ہے اور متاثر خاندانوں کے دکھ میں شریک ہے۔ بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے زور دیا کہ لاہور بم دھماکے کے زخمیوں کو علاج کی بھتر سہولیات فراہم کی جائیں۔

Bilawal Bhutto expressed deep grief over martyrdom of soldiers and civilians in Lahore bomb blast

Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has expressed deep grief and sorrow over the martyrdom of four soldiers and two civilians in a terrorist bomb blast in Lahore.
“Terrorists have snatched peace of mind of the masses and they are targeting our soldiers, civilians, schools, hospitals, religious places etc.,” he said adding that terrorism can only be eliminated when NAP is implemented in all the four provinces without exceptions.
PPP Chairman said that we are against all kinds of terrorism and the PPP is heir to all the victims of terror in the country and shares the grief of the bereaved families.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari urged for better medical treatment to those injured in the bomb blast.