Russia Sees No Military Solution To Afghanistan’s Problem

The Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan, Alexander Mantytskiy, has said that Afghanistan’s problem cannot be solved through military solutions. He said representatives of 12 regional countries will encourage the Afghan government and Taliban to hold face-to-face talks at an upcoming conference in Moscow.
“There are main points to discuss to work out a regional approach to the solution of the Afghan problem and to send a strong signal to the Taliban movement that there is no military solution for the Afghan problem,” the ambassador told TOLOnews on Friday. According to Mantytskiy, Taliban has not been invited to this upcoming meeting. “Regarding the invitation of the Taliban movement, no such type of invitation was given. It means that only representatives of the government will participate,” he stated.
Meanwhile, the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at an event this week that they would support an Afghan-owned peace process. “We also support and we are in favor of a reconciliation process, but it has to be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned. As long as it is an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned process, we support the initiative to find a peaceful solution to Afghanistan,” Stoltenberg said. Meanwhile, a number of Afghan analysts commented on the reasons behind Russia’s interest in Afghanistan. “Competition of powerful countries in Afghanistan has turned the country into a battlefield that causes Afghan people to be killed every day,” said Farhad Majidi, a member of Wolesi Jirga, the Lower House of Parliament.
“As more countries get involved in the Afghanistan issue, it will get more complicated and it would not benefit Russia, but will increase instability in Afghanistan,” said Nasrullah Stanikzai, a lecturer at Kabul University. This comes after the Commander of the United States Central Command Gen. Josef Votel said at a session in the U.S Senate this week that Russia might provide support to the Taliban in order to be an influential party in Afghanistan.

State of the minorities in Pakistan - Top Ahmadi muslim Leader Gets Killed By Radicals; Prosecutor Wants Christians To Convert

By Manas Sen Gupta 

A senior advocate of the Ahmadi (Ahmadiyya) community was shot dead on Thursday morning in Nankana Sahib. On the other hand, a public prosecutor tried to blackmail Christians accused of lynching to death two Muslim men to convert to avoid conviction.

The leader of the Ahmadi community was Malik Saleem Latif, a relative of Pakistan’s first Nobel laureate Abdus Salam.

Latif was also a leader of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiya. Pakistani media says that he was shot by terrorist from Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) while on his way to the court along with his son, advocate Farhan.
In their statement, the LeJ said that Latif was targeted for “spreading Ahmadi beliefs”.

It should be noted that Ahmadis are officially not recognized as Muslims in Pakistan. The Ordinance XX of the Pakistan was created to discriminate and victimize the Ahmadis.

Ahmadi community members pointed out that thousands of hate-filled advertisements were published against the community in local and national dailies.

Meanwhile in Lahore, Christian rights activist Joseph Franci accused Deputy District Public Prosecutor (DDPP) Syed Anees Shah of trying to proselytize around 42 Christians.

The Christians are accused of lynching two men suspected of having a hand in the 2015 suicide blasts in predominantly Christian neighborhood of Youhanabad in Lahore.

“He told them if they embrace Islam, he can guarantee them their acquittal in this case,” Franci told the Pakistani media. Reports that the public prosecutor conceded that he offered them a choice.

The fact is that minorities in Pakistan are killed or forced to convert on a daily basis in Pakistan.

The influential fundamentalists in the country are able to carry out their nefarious agenda against the minorities with impunity as the state continues to look the other way.

It is because of this victimization that Dr Abdus Salam was forced to flee the country and live in United Kingdom. Sadly, a large section of Pakistan’s society stands in support of religious bigots.

Pakistan: Convert or Die? Choose you this day

Convert or Die, which would you choose? A Pakistani prosecutor reportedly presented at least 42 Christians with this question. He allegedly denied it, but talks of a video proving so forced him to admit the truth. 
RT reports that at least 42 Christians accused of murder in Pakistan were reportedly told they’d be acquitted if they embraced Islam. The accused face the charges after the lynching of two men following twin suicide blasts at churches during Sunday mass.
Prosecutor Syed Anees Shah initially denied telling the accused he could guarantee their acquittal if they converted. However, he later admitted he did, when told by Pakistan’s Express Tribune that the accused had a video recording of what he said.
“He asks them if they embrace Islam, he can guarantee them their acquittal in this case,” rights activist Jospeh Franci, who is involved in the legal proceedings, told the Tribune. Franci claims all of the accused remained silent following the offer, except one who appeared to say he would rather be hanged than embrace Islam.
The trial of the accused is taking place in an anti-terrorism court in Youhanabad, Lahore following the lynching of two men on March 15, 2015. The men were suspected of being involved in the planning of two suicide blasts at churches in Youhanabad on the same day, which left at least 14 people dead. Counsel for the accused, Naseeb Anjum Advocate, told the Tribune that the prosecution’s offer was not new, saying it was offered around six months ago.
“The government should get rid of such elements that bring [a] bad name to the state by such acts,” he said, claiming the prosecution was “blackmailing” the accused.
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Russian inroads in Waziristan

In an unprecedented development, Pakistan Army on Thursday took a Russian military delegation headed by Deputy Chief of General Staff Colonel General Israkov Sergi Yuryevich to North Waziristan Agency to give them firsthand account of the country's anti-terror gains. This was the first time any Russian military delegation was taken to the region once considered a hotbed of local and foreign militant outfits. The development suggests ever increasing ties between the two countries, who remained bitter cold-war rivals for years. An Inter-Services Public Relations handout said the delegation was briefed about Pakistan Army's efforts to clear FATA from terrorists of all hue and colour. The visiting Russian military officers were also briefed about border management on the Pak-Afghan border and socio economic development projects in the area.
"The delegation acknowledged and appreciated Pakistan Army's achievements in the fight against terrorism and efforts to bring stability in the region," added the statement.
Cooperation between the armed forces of Russia and Pakistan has grown in recent times. In September 2016, a contingent of Russian ground forces arrived in Pakistan for the first ever joint Pak-Russia exercises. Around 200 military personnel of both countries participated in the drills. The special operations drills codenamed 'Druzhbha-2016' - a Russian word meaning 'friendship' - saw Russian troops and Pakistani special forces working in close cooperation. Building upon the cooperation, Russian Navy's largest anti-submarine warfare ship Severmorsk arrived in Pakistan for participation in the Aman 2017 international naval exercises in February 2017.

Pakistan - Raheel Sharif and the Islamic military alliance: Controversial or clear?

The appointment of former army chief retired Gen Raheel Sharif as the leader of a 39-country Saudi military alliance has sparked debate over how the move will impact Pakistan's foreign policy, and whether it was fully sanctioned by parliament.
Reports of the appointment and Gen (r) Raheel's subsequent reticence regarding the development have given political rivals and pundits an opportunity to weigh in the transparency and importance of such a move.
PTI questions appointment
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) MNA Shireen Mazari responded to reports of the appointment by tweeting, "This [joining the alliance] will add to sectarian polarisation within Pakistan as well as greater regional instability. Parliament's approval should have been sought."
PTI's Ali Muhammad Khan shared a similar view.
"I want to hear it from the horse's mouth," Khan said on Geo's Capital Talk, adding that it is 'strange' that Raheel Sharif has remained silent on the topic since it first came to light.
"It is time that we know what this alliance is and on what basis was it formed," Khan said.
The PTI has said that it would raise the matter of the former army chief's appointment in parliament.
Janjua welcomes decision
Ex-military man and current National Security Adviser Nasser Janjua believes the appointment of retired Gen Sharif as the head of the military alliance would be a 'welcome step' for the Muslim world.
"He [Raheel Sharif] will become a reason for the unity of Muslim Ummah," he said.
"Gen Raheel Sharif will use his experiences and knowledge to remove internal misunderstandings among Muslim countries," Janjua added, saying that the former army chief's appointment would even benefit "anti-alliance countries, including Iran".
ANP smells a conspiracy
Awami National Party Vice President Bushra Gohar called for the Terms of Agreement for the appointment to be made public. "Why was parliament kept in [the] dark?" she asked. "Was it part of recent political wheelings and dealings?"

Govt in two minds

Federal Minister for States and Frontier Regions (Safron) Lt Gen (retd) Abdul Qadir Baloch in an appearance on DawnNews show Doosra Rukh said he believed the former army chief would "become controversial" if he led the Saudi military alliance.
"I feel it might lessen the respect he has earned," Baloch said, adding that the appointment as head of the alliance will not have the same chances of success as in the Pakistan Army as it will be a "hop scotch alliance and we do not know what the system will be".
However, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif remained diplomatic, and said the government is ready to issue him a No Objection Certificate (NoC). The Foreign Office, too, believes Sharif's appointment will not compromise Pakistan's long-standing policy of neutrality in Middle Eastern affairs.
"Personal resolutions dominate, parliamentary resolution made a joke."
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's Spokesman Musaddiq Malik on a programme on Aaj TV Faisla Aap Ka also claimed the decision on the alliance was made in line with parliament's decision regarding the matter earlier.
PML-N's Talal Chaudhary earlier stated that no decision would be taken without the parliament's consent.
"It will be up to the parliament to provide the former chief of army staff a no-objection certificate (NOC) on the matter," said Chaudhary.
"As for the the Parliamentary Resolution of 2015, it stated that Pakistan would play a neutral role in the Yemen conflict to ensure an early resolution, the government will stick to that stance and the alliance will be a force to fight against the militant Islamic State organisation and other terror outfits," Chaudhary elaborated.


Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria has said yesterday that the Foreign Office was unaware that the Saudi government had gotten in touch with the former army chief Raheel Sharif, now a retired military general.

However, Zakaria said during weekly briefing that now Pakistan has joined the Saudi-led Military Alliance and this development has taken place after an agreement on ‘Terms of Reference.’
On the other hand, Musaddik Malik, spokesman to Prime Minister, said in a news channel talk show that the ToRs (terms of references) were not yet finalized between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Bilawal Bhutto condemns Parachinar blast

Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has strongly condemned terrorist blast in Parachinar in which 24 innocent lives were lost outside an Imambargah today.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that PPP was leading anti-terrorism narrative in the country and every incident of terrorism brings more tears to every Pakistani.
PPP Chairman expressed sympathy and solidarity with the families of blast victim  and urged for provision of best possible medical treatment to those injured.

#ParachinarBlast: Shia Genocide Continues by Banned Deobandi outfits allied with PMLN Government

The connivance of State organs with Deobandi hate mongers:

Shia Muslims in Pakistan are facing continual genocidal violence by banned Deobandi terrorist groups. These banned Deobandi groups like ASWJ/LEJ allied both with ISIS with the Nawaz Sharif government of Pakistan. Pakistan’s Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar meets regularly with with Deobandi hate leaders and initiators of Shia Genocide like Ahmed Ludhianvi. Saudi financed Deobandi Madrassas in Pakistan and India has issued Fatwas (religious orders) that incite murderous violence againts Shia Muslims as. The nexus of Deobandi Madrassas is backed by the Wahhabi Saudi State. The Nawaz Sharif Government in Pakistan is a Saudi proxy Government.
Chaudhry Nisar Meets with banned Deobandi outfit’s leader and hate mongerer Ludhanvi

Appalling role of the media by Obfuscation:

Pakistan’s media like DAWN describes this genocidal attack on Shia Muslims as “sectarian violence” – a typical obfuscation that hides the identity of the victims (Shias) and perpetrators (Deobandis) and conflates both of them in the same category.
Whenever you see terms like “Islamist” “sectarian violence” “proxy war” to describe this genocide, you should know that the fix is on and the narrator is another dishonest bigot.

ntellectual dishonesty by Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch and Vali Nasr of Saudi funded think tanks:

In December 2015, Shia Muslims were attacked yet again by ISIS-affiliated Deobandi terrorists in Parachinar. Just as they were attacked today and have been since the 1980s when CIA-backed General Zia ul Haq let loose his “Mujahideen” on Pakistan.
In the 2015 attack, please reexamine the tweet of HRW’s Ken Roth – better known as a despicable Al Qaeda cheerleader against Syria. Also see the pathetic attempts to justify #ShiaGenocide


Scores of peaceful Shia Muslim protesters were injured due to straight firing by the trigger-happy personnel of FC, a paramilitary force in Parachinar while they were protesting against the explosion perpetrated by takfiri terrorists in Parachinar today.

The trigger-happy cops within the security forces have always brought a bad name to the law enforcement agencies and armed forces due to their unjustifiable, illegal and immoral attack on peaceful civilians. Due to their firing on the celebrations of birth anniversary of Imam Hussain (3rd of Shaaban) last year, two Shia Muslims were martyred.
People of Pakistan have demanded of the Prime Minister and Chief of Army Staff to rein in the rogue elements within the security agencies and punish those killed innocent civilians last year and injured peaceful protestors today.

Suicide Bomber Kills 24 Near Mosque in Northwestern Pakistan

A car bomb exploded Friday near a Shiite Muslim mosque in the town of Parachinar in northwestern Pakistan, killing at least 24 people and wounding over 100, officials said.
The bomb was detonated near the mosque, which also is not far from the Noor Market, said Mushtaq Ghani, a spokesman for the provincial government. TV footage showed victims being taken away in ambulances and private cars.
Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a breakaway faction of Pakistani Taliban militants, claimed responsibility. Spokesman Asad Mansoor said in a statement that it was carried out by one of the group's members, Abul Durda, and targeted minority Shiites, considered heretics by the militants.
The blast also damaged vehicles and nearby shops, according to government administrator Zahid Hussain, who also said Shiites were the intended target.
Kamran Ali, hospitalized with a head injury, said he was sitting in his shop when the blast took place.
"My shop partially collapsed and I was unable to move for the next 30 minutes or so, and then residents brought me to hospital," he said. The area was littered with broken glass and spattered blood, he added.
Parachinar is a key town in the Kurram tribal region bordering Afghanistan and has been wracked by sectarian violence. The area once was a stronghold of Pakistani Taliban and Sunni militant groups. Although the army says it has cleared Kurram of militants, violence has continued.
Mansoor and Lashker-e-Jhangvi, another banned Sunni militant group, have claimed responsibility for previous attacks.
Two doctors at the government-run hospital said 22 bodies and more than 70 wounded were brought to the facility. The doctors spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. Other wounded initially taken to private facilities also were brought to the government hospital.
Sabir Hussain, a hospital official, said the Pakistan army took 40 of the most critically wounded by helicopters to hospitals in the northwestern city of Peshawar, where two people died.

Angered by the attack, some residents were seen chanting slogans against the government. Security forces fired shots in the air to disperse the crowd, according to officials.
Later, mourners returned to the streets carrying the dead in caskets and staged a sit-in near the office of the area administrator. They chanted slogans calling for better security for residents who have been repeated victims of such attacks.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the bombing and vowed to eliminate terrorism.
"The network of terrorists has already been broken and it is our national duty to continue this war until the complete annihilation of the scourge of terrorism from our soil," Sharif said in a statement.
The bombing came hours after state-run media said President Mamnoon Hussain had signed a bill removing the last hurdle for reviving military courts to bring terrorism suspects to trial.
Pakistan's Senate and National Assembly have already passed a constitutional amendment to extend the practice, which has been in place for two years. A previous 2015 amendment established the military courts but expired in January.
The move to use military courts followed the December 2014 Taliban attack on an army-run school in Peshawar that killed 154 people — mostly schoolchildren.
Pakistan lifted a moratorium on the death penalty at that time. Since then, it has executed over 400 people, although most were linked to routine murders.
Meanwhile, the army said it killed a "high-value" Pakistani Taliban leader, Mehmood-ul-Hassan, along with an associate in a raid in the South Waziristan tribal region. In a statement, it said troops also seized a cache of weapons from the hideouts of slain militants, who for years operated from the region to orchestrate attacks.