Pakistan - Budget an attempt to break federation, says Bilawal

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Tuesday rejected the federal budget for fiscal year 2016-17 terming it an attempt to break the federation.
“[It] seems this budget has been designed to break the federation. We reject one unit budget for Punjabistan,” the PPP chairperson tweeted.
Seems this budget has been designed to break the federation. We reject one unit budget for Punjabistan.

Pakistan - PPP supports China’s principled position on South China Sea

 Reviewing political parties ties with the Communist Party of China after a bilateral meeting between the former and the PPP on their digital platform, Sherry Rehman, Vice President of the PPP said that the Pakistan Peoples Party has always been, and remains committed to, cementing Pakistan’s relationship with the CPC and People’s Republic of China. “Our friendship with the Peoples Republic and the Communist Party of China has only gained strength over successive generations of both the parties.”
“It is true that Pakistan’s strategic relationship with China was conceived by Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, cultured by Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, cemented by Asif Ali Zardari and will now enter a new phase of further cooperation with the younger cohort of leaders in both countries under Chairman Bilawal Bhutto.”It was through President Asif Ali Zardari’s multiple visits to Beijing that the groundwork was set for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, a flagship project of President Xi’s bold ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative for regional connectivity across the Eurasian landmass.
Commenting on the progress of joint ventures, she said that “Pakistan Peoples Party remains wholly committed to, and will continue to make all possible efforts for the smooth and effective implementation of the CPEC. As a project that could connect multiple regions, the CPEC will not only strengthen Pakistan-China ties, but spur better relations between countries in an evidently tense regional environment.
The PPP is firm in its belief that the CPEC can act as a force multiplier for Pakistan and we will continue to work towards its optimal realization to this end.”
Rehman was emphatic in reminding all that it was under President Asif Ali Zardari’s leadership during the last PPP government that the stage was set to scale up the bilateral relationship between China and Pakitan and crucial milestones accomplished to advance durable economic and strategic cooperation between the two countries.
Rehman also said that the PPP has also played a leading role in forging a political consensus on the significance of Pakistan’s relationship with China, including the historic awarding of Gwadar Port entry to Beijing to facilitate the broad vision of economic interdependence. As a result, there is a national consensus in Pakistan regarding the primacy of our ties, reflected by how this relationship continues to be viewed as an all-weather friendship in both countries.
On a discussion on the South China Sea she said “in an age of growing global changes the PPP also supports the People Republic of China’s principled position on the South China Sea. We believe that disputes related to the South China Sea should be settled through a consultative process between concerned stakeholders and negotiations based on bilateral agreements and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). We respect the efforts made by China and other ASEAN countries to promote peace and stability in the South China Sea, and will continue to support such efforts.”

Bilawal Bhutto condemns brutality against Peshawar nurses

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party has strongly condemned the brutal treatment to protesting nursing professionals in Peshawar at the hands of KPK government and demanded immediate release of arrested nurses and acceptance of their genuine demands without any further delay.
In a press statement issued here, the PPP Chairman said nursing professionals are respected the world over for their service to humanity but the rulers in Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province broke all records of brutality against the nurses and exposed its ugly face to the nation as well as to the world.
He further said that Pakistan Peoples Party stands with the protesting nurses of Hayatabad Medical Complex and sees police torture and action against them as shameful. “We wont tolerate such ghastly action against nurses or any other segment of our society,” he pledged.
PPP Chairman said that instead of holding talks with the protesting nurses, the so-called “Naya-Pakistan” government resorted to applying state brutality and torture, which is highly condemnable and lays bare the hollowness falsehood of their political narrative.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari expressed solidarity with the Peshawar nurses and warned the KPK government to improve their working conditions and accept their legitimate demands before their protests is joined by general public.

Pakistan - Federal Budget lacks vision: PPP

Pakistan Peoples Party Senator Saleem Mandviwalla has termed the Federal budget 2016-17 as Direction Less Budget having no Economic Vision, Long Term Policy and Strategy to improve the tax compliance, reduce tax evasion and to give a sigh of relief to the honest tax payers.
Senator Saleem Mandviwalla said this while addressing to the Press Conference along with PPP leader Syed Naveed Qamar MNA and Media Office In-charge Nazir Dhoki on Tuesday in Islamabad.
He said that The Federal Budget the Budget is completely lacking in any direction, Agriculture and Manufacturing sectors are two legs on which economy stands but both are facing worse conditions.
He said that Economy is running under IMF pressure the coming budget will be the 4th budget of this government under IMF dictation. The IMF is fully controlling the Pakistani economy
Senator Saleem Mandviwalla was of the view that Govt. manipulating figures each year since government has taken over in 2013; it is manipulating each and every figure like GDP growth, fiscal deficit, tax to GDP ratio, investment to GDP, inflation rate, unemployment rate.
Senator Mandviwalla was of the view that Pakistan Bureau of Statistics PBS is not independent; unfortunately, Finance Ministry is dictating and pressurizing them to manipulate figures in their favor. He said that the figure of 4.71% GDP growth is wrong and manipulated. As reported by an independent organization SPDC (Social Policy and Development Center) the growth rate for this year was 3.1 percent.
He criticized the performance of FBR, which has completely failed to enhance tax net and skewing the existing tax payers by imposing surcharges and regulatory duties. The Finance Minister in an answer to a question in Senate admitted that more than 120,000 filers have been reduced this year.
Senator Saleem Mandviwalla said that the government is manipulating the figures of Tax to GDP ratio and showing it over 12 percent but the fact is it is stagnant at 9 percent. Direct-Indirect tax ratio in actual is 15:85 percent, because more than 25 percent direct taxes are withholding taxes collected through agents. Government has imposed record percentage of sales tax on petroleum products which reached to 54 percent and seems like government is depending on only indirect taxes.
Senator Saleem Mandviwalla said that the number of Corporate Income Tax (CIT) filers is around 25,000 out of more than 60,000 companies registered and the number of active CIT filers is a mere 0.8 percent of total number of commercial and industrial electricity users.
Senator Saleem Mandviwalla said that the 78 percent of the borrowed money is being spent on non-development expenditure including employees’ salaries expenses
Senator Saleem Mandviwalla said that the Debt to GDP ratio is around 64 percent which is a clear violation of Debt Limitation Act. The Current government is getting foreign borrowing and retiring domestic debt which is a disaster for Pakistani economy. During last three years, government failed to present any comprehensive plan before the parliament for the removal of circular debt. What if the oil prices go high, again circular debt will rise.
He said that this government is importing huge amount of coal to run coal based plants. This will create worst impact on exchange rate and dollar price will rise further and decrease exports value.
Senator Mandviwalla said that the If we compare last five year position regarding Poverty Related Expenditure then,
  1. Roads, Highways & Bridges budget increased to 178 billion.
  2. Environment, water supply and sanitation budget decreased by 50 percent.
  3. Population planning budget decreased by 50 percent.
  4. Natural Calamities & Disasters budget decreased by 57 percent.
  5. Agriculture budget decreased by 50 percent.
  6. Rural Development budget decreased by 300 percent almost.
Senator Saleem Mandviwalla said that the Subsidies decreased by 300 percent almost
Exports were 26 billion in PPP government and reduced to around 20-21 billion this year.
PPP Proposals for Budget 2016-17.
Tax on immovable property – Violation of Constitution
PPP condemns the imposition of taxes on immovable property (Builders) and minerals. This is a clear violation of the Constitution and this tax is a provincial subject.
Housing scheme for poor
There should be social housing scheme (10 years) for poor as no housing scheme have been initiated since 1977. The govt. should over supply the housing plots for poor instead of building homes or flats.
Gradual decrease in GST
GST should be reduced gradually on manufacturing sector at least. It can be reduced by 1.5 percent every year.
Ex-cadre employee should be up-graded at par with In-cadre employees
The government is continuously focusing the interests of IN-CADRE federal govt. employees and ignoring EX-CADRE employees. Therefore, grades of EX-CADRE employees should also be upgraded at par with IN-CADRE employees, if EX-CADRE possesses the same qualification as required for the IN-CADRE employees.