Monday, October 26, 2015

Pakistan - Three Muslim men gang rape a deaf and mute Christian woman in Kasur District

A Christian woman sexually targeted, in a village of Kasur District.
In keeping with details, a Christian woman who is dump and mute was sexually abused by three Muslim men. The incident took place in a village called Bonga Ghanda Singh Wala, Kasur District in Punjab. The woman was targeted when she was alone in her house.
Reports have this that the three Muslim men, stormed into her house at the time when no body was at home. They gang rapped her while she kept on begging them for mercy.
Shortly after the incident an FIR was lodged and the three perpetrators were named in the FIR. One of the three, men also believed to be the chief perpetrator Muhammad Umar has already been hooked by the police. While, the other two culprits have fled from the village and are in hiding.
The victimized Christian family approached a Christian lawyer and activist Sardar Mushtaq Gill. The untoward Christian family pleaded him for legal assistance. The close kinsman of the victim informed Sradar Mushtaq Gill that an FIR has been lodged yet two of the culprits have not been hooked by the police so far.
The vile practice of targeting, harassing and abusing women from religious minorities has become a common practice in Muslim majority Pakistan. In most of the cases involving women hailing from religious minorities, police is believed to be biased. The culprits seldom are hooked. Apart from this, oftentimes, pressure from influential authorities or persons or even from the police, forces the victims to change their statements or withdraw their complaints. Thus barring them from raising their voices against the Muslim culprits.
On the other hand, in a recent report published by the US State Department, stated regarding Pakistan, “Continuation of many restrictive governmental policies affecting religious freedom”. Furthermore, religious minorities are suffering heavily because of blasphemy laws, ban on conversion and religious expression considered illegal, in addition to the “stringent or discriminatory application of registration requirements for religious organisations.”

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UN offers assistance to quake-hit Pakistan

The United Nations and its humanitarian partners stand ready to help Pakistan's ongoing relief effort for the people affected by Monday's devastating earthquake, and mobilise any support, if requested, a spokesman of the world body said.

"The UN agencies are mobilising emergency stocks as a preparatory measure in case support is required," spokesperson Stephane Dujarric told the regular noon briefing at UN Headquarters in New York.

In a separate development, Pakistan's UN Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi briefed relevant UN officials about the situation resulting from the 8.1-magnitude earthquake that resulted in the deaths of at least 240 people and injured more than 1,300 others.

Bilawal Bhutto pays a visit to ailing and senior Party leader Makhdoom Amin Fahim & inquire about his health

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party paid a visit to ailing and senior Party leader Makhdoom Amin Fahim at a local hospital in Karachi to inquire about his health. Makhdoom Amin Fahim returned last night after getting his treatment abroad.

Makhdoom Amin Fahim hugged and kissed Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on forehead and held his hand throughout the meeting for an hour.

PPP Chairman told Makhdoom Amin Fahim that he had worked with Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and President Asif Ali Zardari. “I, myself, and the Party is in great need of the experience of Makhdoom Amin Fahim,” he stated and prayed for early recovery of the senior leader.

During the visit, Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari was accompanied by former Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, former Ambassador to the United States Senator Sherry Rehman, Jameel Soomro , Khanzada Khan and others.

Earthquake Causes Heavy Casualties, Damage In Afghanistan, Pakistan
One of the strongest earthquakes to hit Afghanistan in decades has rocked the country's north, leaving heavy casualties and damage in its wake across South Asia.
More than 60 people were reported killed in Afghanistan, while more than 150 were reported dead in neighboring Pakistan.
Casualties are expected to rise as rescuers, in some cases hampered by mudslides following recent heavy rains in the region, reach remote areas.
Twelve Afghan schoolgirls trying to flee their school in Takhar Province were among those who died as a result of the 7.5-magnitude quake.
Sonatullah Timor, spokesman for the governor of the northern Afghan province, spoke to RFE/RL about the tragedy that unfolded at the school in the provincial capital, Taloqan.
"Most of the girls died in a panic that ensued. No school was damaged in the quake," he said. "However, there was a lot of panic, and, because there is only one exit at a school leading from the second to the ground floor, some of them could have died in the crush."
Timor said that more than 30 schoolgirls had been hospitalized with injuries, some of them serious.

The earthquake, which hit Afghanistan's northern Hindu Kush region, lasted at least one minute and shook buildings in Kabul, Islamabad, and Delhi and sent thousands of people rushing into the streets.
Tremors were felt across Central Asia. Approximately 400 kilometers north of the epicenter, in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe, RFE/RL's Tajik Service reported that thousands of residents evacuated buildings.
The service captured video of stunned men and women milling about on the streets and, in one case, of a panicked individual smashing an upper-floor window of a high-rise building in an apparent attempt to escape.
The service reported that 14 children had been injured in Tajikistan's Yovon district when stairs at a local school collapsed.
The quake was also felt by residents of southern Kazakhstan -- in the city of Shymkent and as far as Taraz, 1,000 kilometers north of the epicenter.
Afghan Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah, who was providing updates on the situation on his official Twitter account, said that the government had requested help from aid agencies and was looking for ways to speed up the delivery of medical help.
In one tweet, he said the earthquake was the strongest one felt in recent memory. 
An RFE/RL correspondent in Afghanistan's northern Baghlan Province witnessed several buildings collapse in the regional capital, Puli Khumri. The earthquake disrupted electricity supplies in the region's districts and affected telephone connections.
Officials said 30 people were killed and more than 70 injured in Afghanistan's eastern Kunar Province.
"Some 1,500 homes have also been destroyed," Kunar Governor Wahidullah Kalimzai said on October 26, adding that the earthquake "has caused a lot of devastation" in the province.
The United States, Iran, and other countries offered to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, which already relies heavily on foreign aid due to the widespread damage that decades of war have inflicted on the country's infrastructure and economy.
"Our thoughts are with all those affected by this tragedy in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and throughout the region," U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby told a briefing in Washington.
"We applaud the effort of those who are working to bring relief to those in need. The United States is, of course, in touch with governments throughout in the region. We stand ready, as always, to provide assistance at this difficult time," Kirby added.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the U.S. Agency for International Development was prepared to provide emergency shelter and relief supply kits to assist those affected by the earthquake.
RFE/RL correspondents in Pakistan report that the earthquake mainly affected the Swat Valley in the country's northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where buildings collapsed in the city of Peshawar and nearby districts. Officials say that the number of killed in Pakistan was at least 60, with dozens of injuries reported.
Communications have been disrupted in many areas affected by the earthquake, making it difficult for officials to assess the full scale of the damage.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Minister Mushtaq Ghani told RFE/RL's Radio Mashaal that an emergency had been declared in the region, and health workers had been made available to treat victims.
"Of course, we expect that the death toll may go up," he said.
In Indian-controlled Kashmir, an 80-year-old woman died of a heart attack in the southern town of Bijbehara and two Indian Army soldiers were injured when a sentry post collapsed on them in the town of Sopore, local police said.
he earthquake that hit the area affected by heavy rains for several days also caused landslides, disrupting regular traffic in various parts of Kashmir.
The landslides blocked the main highway connecting Pakistan and China. Karakoram Highway in northern Pakistan has been sealed off at multiple points, local authorities said. The blockage has stranded thousands of travelers and vehicles in remote areas.
Like Afghanistan's Abdullah, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter after the earthquake. 
Pakistani state-run media reported that Modi had contacted his Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, to offer help for the earthquake victims.
Pakistan's information minister, Pervez Rashid, told a news conference that Islamabad would not appeal to the international community for assistance, saying the country possessed the resources to implement rescue and relief efforts.
Rashid said Sharif was returning home following his visit to the United States.
Afghanistan is frequently hit by earthquakes, especially in the Hindu Kush mountain range, which lies near the junction of the Eurasian and Indian tectonic plates.
The October 25 earthquake's epicenter was just a few hundred kilometers from the site of a 7.6 magnitude quake that struck in October 2005, killing more than 75,000 people and displacing some 3.5 million more.

Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto asks workers to help #earthquake victims

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party has expressed shock and grief over the loss of precious human lives and damage to the property in the earthquake, which hit major parts of Pakistan this evening.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari asked the PPP workers reach out to the help of those in need in the aftermath of the earthquake. “This is the time to perform national unity and alley the sufferings of the people hit by the natural calamity,” he stated.
He said PPP will fully participate in the relief and rehabilitation of the victims of earthquake all over the country.

Asif Ali Zardari expresses grief over #earthquake deaths and losses, calls upon Party workers to help victims

Former President and Co-chairman PPP Asif Ali Zardari has expressed profound grief and shock over the deaths and damages caused by a massive earthquake in different parts of the country Monday afternoon.
In a message the former President said that the massive earthquake, as all natural disasters in the past, have brought home the point yet again that no matter what progress mankind may achieve he is helpless before forces of Nature.

While praying for those who lost their lives in the earthquake the former President offered his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved and grief stricken families.

Mr. Zardari expressed the hope that relevant government agencies would be already engaged in relief and rehabilitation work and providing necessary support to the affected people.

Mr. Zardari also called upon Party workers to reach out in their areas to help the victims of the earthquake.

Guide: What you should do when an earthquake strikes

Earthquakes, as with most natural disasters, have this uncanny ability to strike when you are at your most vulnerable and unprepared.
It is not uncommon to see images of people running out of a building during a tremor yet, it is a reason for many fatalities that could have been avoided.
Here then are some of the key elements to keep in mind for earthquake preparedness:
Before an earthquake strike, especially if you live in an earthquake zone:
— Have a plan for yourself, family, neighbourhood, organisation, etc.
— Assess your area (home, workplace, etc)
Find a safe place that can provide shelter during an earthquake. The space can either permit you to crawl under it and take cover, or it can be the intersection of two sturdy walls (column).
Fix items firmly that could come undone during the quake and cause harm (decoration items, book shelves, wall mirrors, light fixtures, etc).
— Practice how to “Drop, Cover and Hold”; if you live in an area prone to regular earthquakes it’s essential to regularly practice this procedure, as you will have only a few moments to react during an actual earthquake.
— Store critical documents and other belongings in a dedicated spot that can easily be retrieved by any member of the family (passports, ID, property documents, etc).
— Have an effective communication plan, particularly important in case you are separated during a quake. Don’t forget to practice this plan especially with young children.
— When choosing a new property, check if it is earthquake resistant per the local building codes.
If you are indoors when an earthquake strikes:
— Drop, Cover, Hold
Drop to your hands and knees
Cover your head and neck with your hands
Hold your position until the tremors stop
— Do not run outside (falling debris or things from the roof or other floors may fall on you).
— Do not use elevators.
— If you are not near a desk or a table, drop to the floor next to an interior wall and protect your head and neck with your arms.
— If in bed stay there and cover head with a pillow, get out of bed only when tremors stop and wear footwear.
— Stay away from windows or any glass walls and panels.
— Avoid exterior walls, windows, tall furniture, large appliances, cabinets filled with heavy items, hanging objects and mirrors.
If you are outdoors when an earthquake strikes:
— Move to a clear area if you can do so safely; avoid buildings, power lines, trees and other hazards.
— If you are near a tall building then get as far away from it when shaking starts.
— If driving, then safely pull over to the side of the road and stop when you are able to do so.
— Avoid overpasses, bridges, power lines, signs, trees and other things that might collapse or fall on the vehicle.
— Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking ends. If a power line falls onto your vehicle, stay inside until a trained person removes the hazard.
After the earthquake, once the shaking stops:
— Look around and find a safe passage outside the property.
— If you’re already outside avoid rushing into a building to rescue others.
— If you’re trapped don’t move, you may dislodged debris and trap yourself further or kick up the dust that makes it difficult to breathe.
— If you have a cell phone on you and its signals are available try and call for help. If the call is not going through send a text message, (not whatsapp, bbm, etc) a simple text message has greater chance of going through when the network is overloaded.
—There could be aftershocks so be prepared to take cover again and possibly spend the night out in the open.
Check for damage and hazardous conditions
Fire — If possible, put out small fires in your home or neighbourhood immediately. Call for help.
Damaged wiring — Shut off power at the main breaker switch if there is any damage to your home. Leave the power off until the damage is repaired.
Falling items — Be aware that heavy items may fall off shelves when you open closets and cabinet doors.
Gas leaks — Turn off the gas only if you suspect a broken pipe or leak. Don’t turn gas back on by yourself — wait for the gas company.
Damaged walls — They may be weakened and could topple during aftershocks.
If your home is damaged:
— Do not re-enter your home until you know it’s safe.
— Be sure there are no gas leaks before using open flames or operating electrical equipment.
— Check for faulty electrical wiring and broken water lines. Water contact with faulty wiring is a shock hazard.
— Unplug broken or toppled light fixtures and appliances as these could start fires.

Earthquake measuring 7.5 hits Pakistan, shaking India and Afghanistan

At least 43 people have reportedly been killed after a powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit the Hindu Kush region of northern Pakistan and sent tremors across the country as well as through Afghanistan and India.

Government officials have confirmed 29 people have died in north western Pakistan, as the death toll continues to climb throughout the three countries.

At least 12 students at a girls' school in Afghanistan's Takhar province were killed in a stampede as they tried to get out of a shaking building, the Associate Press reported.

Another 30 girls have been taken to hospital in the provincial capital of Taluqan, said a spokesperson for the provincial governor, Sonatullah Taimor.

Buildings in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, shook for several minutes when the quake hit just before 3pm local time.
The earthquake was about 196 kilometres deep, with its epicentre nearly 82 kilometres south-east of the city of Feyzabad, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said.  

In the Pakistani city of Peshawar, the Lady Reading Hospital has been inundated with people injured as buildings crumbled.

"We received 50 injured and more are being shifted. The injured suffered multiple injuries due to building collapse," hospital spokesman Syed Jamil Shah told Reuters.

Hundreds of people raced from buildings onto the streets in New Delhi while the quake was also felt in the Himalayan region of Kashmir, according to an AFP reporter.

Power outages have affected communication lines in Kabul as well, according to local news reports
The USGS initially reported the quake as having a magnitude of 7.7 before revising it down to 7.6 and later 7.5

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