Friday, October 18, 2013

Saudi Women Prepared to Grab Their Future by the Wheel on Oct. 26
If some countries in the Middle East are continuing their Arab Springs, Saudis are continuing their own revolution behind the wheel with a nationwide driving protest scheduled for Oct. 26. The response should be interesting, as the above video from one of Eman Al Nafjan’s test drives shows, where a family and a car with two men all give her a thumb’s up. The mother of three and PhD candidate at King Saud University in Riyadh runs the Saudiwoman blog and got behind the wheel during the last big driving campaign in 2011.Running out of excuses to decree why women can’t drive, as it’s already been established as nothing Quranic, a Saudi sheikh warned last month that driving could impact a woman’s ovaries. Driving “could have a reverse physiological impact. Physiological science and functional medicine studied this side [and found] that it automatically affects ovaries and rolls up the pelvis. This is why we find for women who continuously drive cars their children are born with clinical disorders of varying degrees,” Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaydan, a judicial and psychological consultant to the Gulf Psychological Association, told Saudi news website “Islamic sharia does not have a text forbidding women driving,” the head of Saudi Arabia’s morality police, Sheikh Abdulatif Al al-Sheik, told Reuters last month. The Oct. 26 declaration, which was at nearly 16,000 signatures as of this writing, states: 1- Since there is no justification for the Saudi government to prohibit adult women citizens who are capable of driving cars from doing so, we urge the state to provide appropriate means for women seeking the issuance of permits and licenses to apply and obtain them. 2- Many claim that this is a “societal decision”. However the public discourse will not be resolved except through a firm governmental decision to implement what was proposed in point one. Here it is important to point out that women will not be forced to drive if they do not wish to do so. 3- Deferring an issue such as this until a “societal consensus”, has only increased divisions because it constitutes that some will be forced to concede. We as a Saudi people are diverse and accepting of all views that are not prohibited in the Quran or by the Prophet. 4- In case the Saudi government maintains the ban on women driving, we demand that it presents to the citizens a valid and legal justification and not simply to defer it to a societal consensus. 5- In case the government refuses to lift the ban on women driving and refuses to provide the people with a legal and valid justification, we demand that it provides “society” with a legal mechanism through which it can express what it wants. Men are encouraged to participate in the protest as well by offering driving lessons, hanging a decal of support in their own car or spreading the word on social media.

Turkey’s headscarf ban lifted in latest assault on the secular state
Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, yesterday continued his programme of Islamisation of the country by lifting the ban on the wearing of Muslim headscarves in public offices.
It is the latest move by Mr Erdogan in dismantling the secular reforms made by the founder of the modern Turkish state, Kemal Ataturk, that have been in place since 1924. Last month tough new restrictions were introduced on the sale and advertising of alcohol, and many secular activists see this as the precursor to a total ban. Judges, prosecutors, the police and military personnel will still be banned from wearing headscarves. Analysts said the symbolism of the move was powerful. "This pretty much goes against the legacy of the Turkish nation-state project," said Ziya Meral, a London-based Turkey analyst. There is also unease among secularists in the army who regard the restrictions of Islamic dress in public offices as a strong symbol of the separation of religion from the state. The resurgence of Islam was illustrated again this month when an Istanbul court handed a 10-month suspended jail term to pianist Fazil Say over social media posts deemed "religiously offensive." The package of reforms, that include some much-needed relief for the persecuted Kurdish minority, also abolish the daily reciting in schools of a nationalist oath praising Ataturk that was introduced in 1933. Large-scale street demonstrations in Istanbul and Ankara in June showed a polarisation of feeling among secular and religious Turks about the creeping Islamisation of their nation. The ruling Islamist AKP party ruthlessly suppressed these demonstrations, further alienating and enraging the opposition. Gürsel Tekin, vice-president of the main opposition People's Republican Party, said: "The mountain has given birth to a mouse. It's a package that is meant to soothe people but it's not making anyone happy." Mr Erdogan has promised more reforms. "It is not rational to expect this package to meet all the problems of the country, although we wish we could do this." he said.

"Tibetan orphans" incident exposes Dalai Lama clique's callousness, hypocrisy

The "Tibetan orphans" incident, exposed by European media, has lifted the veil on the callous and hypocritical Dalai Lama clique, who have been masquerading as pacifist and benevolent. According to a series of stories published by Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher Zeitung, the vast majority of the so-called "Tibetan orphans" who were brought to Switzerland in the 1960s through a privately-run campaign masterminded by a Swiss entrepreneur and the Dalai Lama had at least one parent in Tibet. In the Swiss documentary "Tibi and his mothers," directed by Ueli Meier, the bitter experiences and hard lives of the 100-plus "orphans" and other uncomfortable truths were presented. For ulterior political purposes, the Dalai Lama clique trampled on the children's individual rights and publicly violated common ethics and morality, which was labeled by the Swiss paper as "morally ridiculous." Humane people will be surprised to learn these lively Tibetan kids and their happy families could be employed by the Dalai Lama clique as political instruments and manipulated as "chess pieces." And the orphan incident was just one of their favorite tricks to deceive the international community and win undue credit for themselves. The disastrous effects produced by their dirty deeds are irreversible. With little or no command of their mother tongue, the "orphans" have difficulties in communicating with their birth parents and some of them have given up attempts at family reunion. And faced with insurmountable cultural barriers, they have found themselves estranged from local communities. The "Tibetan orphans" fabricated by the Dalai Lama clique have thus become a real human tragedy. Regardless of Swiss media's call for a sincere apology, the Dalai Lama clique feigns ignorance without the slightest remorse for their evil deeds. The orphan incident was much more than "morally ridiculous" but a despicable crime the Dalai Lama clique committed against the Tibetan people. The Dalai Lama clique must give the international community, as well as the Tibetan people, an accurate and comprehensive account of the incident.

Malala Yousafzai meets Queen at Buckingham Palace reception

Pakistani schoolgirl tells monarch about importance of education and gives her copy of book I Am Malala
Malala Yousafzai, who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban, spoke to the Queen about the importance of education when they met at Buckingham Palace on Friday. The 16-year-old schoolgirl was shot in the head in Pakistan last October after campaigning for the right of girls to go to school without fear in a part of the country where Islamic fundamentalists were trying to impose a strict form of sharia law. Malala was one of the guests at a reception for Commonwealth, youth and education hosted by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. She was reduced to laughter by a comment from the duke, who quipped that in this country people wanted children to go to school to get them out of the house. Malala covered her face while in a fit of giggles at his joke. The teenager, accompanied by her father Ziauddin, gave the Queen a copy of her book, I Am Malala, during their meeting in the palace's White Drawing Room, telling her: "It is a great honour for me to be here, and I wanted to present you with this book." Accepting the gift, the Queen replied: "That's very kind of you." Malala told the Queen she was passionate about every child having a right to an education, everywhere around the world. She added: "Especially in this country as well. I have heard about many children that can't go to school, and I want to continue our work." Mr Yousafzai also spoke to the Queen and duke about their past visits to his home country. Malala was flown from Pakistan to the UK for emergency treatment after the attack. Surgeons who treated her said she came within inches of death when the bullet grazed her brain in the attack on a school bus. She was treated at Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham and has now settled in the city with her family. Since the attack she has addressed the United Nations and been nominated for the Nobel peace prize. Princess Beatrice and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester were also present at the reception, attended by 350 guests from academic institutions around the world. It included a performance from the Commonwealth Youth Orchestra and choir.

Pakistan: There are Many Christian Malala – One of them is “Kashmala Munawar”

Teenage girl Kashmala Munawar, a student of 1st year of High School . On 22nd Sept, 2013 she went to church with her family where she got seriously injured in the blast. She was taken to the Lady Reading Hospital for treatment and the doctors said that there are multiple pellets in her legs. They operated both of her legs and rods were fixed in her legs. Her leg got infected because of which doctors amputate her leg.
After amputating Kashmala leg doctors discharged her from hospital. She was taken to the Mission hospital (Owned by Diocese of Peshawar).
Right after knowing the situation of Kashmala, she moved her to RMI hospital [which the best Hospital in Peshawar) where Orthopedic specialists are treating her. In the first instance doctors suggested to removed her second leg as well. But now by the grace of God and endless efforts of doctors we were able to save her second leg. But the leg which has already been amputated will again be operated 9 Inches more.Kashmala is very intelligent girl she aimed to be the educationist, however she was targeted by the same Talibans who target Malala Yousaf Zai. our Christian NGOs and Churches are supporting Malala but for Kashmala everyone is silent.
There are many Christian Malala’s who lifted their voices against mediocrity, education and health but no one shares their stories on their social timelines. This is a time to lift your voice for your brothers and sisters in Pakistan. - See more at:

PAKISTAN: Persecution of Ahmadis in September 2013

Following are excerpts from the press release of the Ahmadyya Jamat Report on the Persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan, September 2013. The full report may be seen here. In the month of September persecution against Ahmadis continued in Pakistan. In Orangi Town on September 18, Mr. Ijaz Ahmad Kiyani was shot dead by unknown assailants at 7:30 a.m. He had left home for work but had not gone far when two men coming from the opposite side on a motorcycle fired several shots at him. He was hit six times; one bullet caught him in his left hand; four hit him in the chest and one in the head. He is believed to have died instantly. Mr. Kiyani was 27 and worked as a driver in an army establishment. He is survived by his parents, a wife, five-year old daughter and a two-year old son. Spokesmen for Jamaat Ahmadiya, Mr. Saleemuddin, expressed his grief and anguish over this incident and said that despite such target-killings happening in Karachi for a long time the authorities have failed to put a stop to them. "Four Ahmadis have been killed in Karachi for their faith during the past month. We refuse to be intimidated by the killing of innocent Ahmadis because we have faith in Allah", he said. He went on to say that, ".....our adversaries are wrong to assume that their barbarous activities would make any Ahmadi lose faith. The government should be mindful of its duty and should stop the proliferation of hate literature that incites the public to kill Ahmadis". In the recent past conferences were held in the sacred name of Khatme Nabuwwat throughout the country in which hatred and violence against Ahmadis was preached and the audience were incited against Ahmadis through edicts of Wajibul Qatl (must be killed). A fortnight earlier, another Ahmadi Malik Ejaz Ahmad, was target-killed in Karachi on September 4, 2013. Mr. Kiyani's was the fourth such murder in four weeks. In Gowalmandi on September 12, Dr. Qazi Munawwar was leaving his clinic for home when he was approached by a youth who threw acid on him before escaping. Dr. Munawwar's clothes were burnt and he was injured. The nearby shop-keepers shifted him to the emergency ward in Meo Hospital. Fortunately his face escaped harm, and the injury was not grave. Dr. Munawwar is an active member of the Ahmadiyya community in Lahore. The desecration of Ahmadiyya mosques by state authorities continues. According to the Constitution of PAKISTAN: ... It is the will of the people of Pakistan to establish an order ... wherein shall be guaranteed fundamental rights, including equality of status, of opportunity and before law, social, economic and political justice, and freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship and association, subject to law and public mortality Constitution of Pakistan, Preamble The right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or faith includes the following: To worship or assemble in accordance with a religion and belief and to establish and maintain places for these purposes. Article 6 of the United Nations Resolution 365/55 of 25 November, 1981 In Sialkot the police moved into shameless compliance mode in support of extremist Mullas, against the peaceful Ahmadiyya community in this city. The daily The Express Tribune published the following detailed report on this subject in its issue of September 23, 2013: Ahmadi Persecution: Police bow to clerics to tear down minarets Group demands further demolitions at Ahmadi places of worship By Rana Tanveer -- published September 22, 2013 Lahore: Police demolished minarets at an Ahmadi place of worship in Sialkot on Saturday, after a group of protesters threatened to do so themselves, The Express Tribune has learnt. The police approached the community on Friday after a local cleric complained that three worship places for Ahmadis had features that resembled mosques, namely minarets and verses from the Quran written on the walls. The minarets and verses were covered up, apparently to the police's satisfaction, but a baying mob gathered at one worship place the next day and demanded that the minarets be torn down. The police did so. The group of protesters is now demanding that similar action be taken against two other worship places within a couple of days. The cleric whose complaint led to the action told The Express Tribune that he had approached the police after he attended a Khatm-i-Nabuwwat Conference on September 7, marking the anniversary of the passage of anti-Ahmadi laws, where a speaker said that Ahmadis were not allowed to build minarets or use verses from the Quran at their places of worship. Sections 298-B and 298-C of the Pakistan Penal Code outlaw Ahmadis from calling their place of worship a masjid, claiming to be Muslims or preaching their faith to others. The police are employed and paid to enforce the law but instead acted blatantly to violate the law they are sworn to protect. Of course the officers enjoy full support of their departmental and political superiors at the highest level who were also guilty under the provisions of the following clause of the Pakistan Penal Code: PPC-295. Injuring or defiling places of worship, with intent to insult the religion of any class. Whoever destroys, damages or defiles any place of worship or any object held sacred by any class of persons with the intention of thereby insulting the religion or any class of persons or with the knowledge that any class of persons is likely to consider such destruction, damage or defilement as an insult to their religion, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both. In Chak no. 43, also in the month of September some miscreants hurled abuse at Ms. Saadia Tabassum, a teacher in Sargodha, Punjab. The shouted slogans against her and stopped her from going to the school. She is a teacher in the local Government Elementary School and was falsely accused of preaching Ahmadiyyat to students. This agitation was immediately reported to the authorities who arrived at the scene and rescued her. It is learnt that the miscreants wanted to have one of their relatives appointed in place of Ms. Tabassum. They co-opted the Mullas of the Khatme Nabuwwat faction and planned a procession. They were unable to succeed as some elders of the area intervened. The students and principal of the school refused to testify against her. The miscreants used the services of a peon of the school in their support. Ms. Tabassum has been temporarily suspended from the school under the circumstances. She has been advised not to go to the school until the situation improves.

Balochistan’s Feudal Cabinet

The Baloch Hal
The Balochistan government made history for wrong reasons by delaying the formation of a full cabinet for more than four months. Last week, the National Party-led coalition government inducted eleven new ministers in the hitherto three-member cabinet. Now, the cabinet comprises of five ministers from the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (P.M.L-N), four from the Pakhtunkhawa Milli Awami Party (Pk.M.A.P.) and the National Party (N.P) respectively and one from the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid-e-Azam. The reason for the inordinate delay in the completion of the cabinet was a blend of rifts among the coalition partners and some constitutional restrictions. Differences broke out between the P.M.L-N, which has the largest number of seats (22) in the provincial assembly, and the nationalists over the distribution of ministries. For obvious reasons, the local leadership of the P.M.N-N. is displeased with the undue influence of Prime Minister Nawaz Shrif over the politics of the province. Mr. Sharif, they whine, has been “too generous” in patronizing the Baloch nationalists. For instance, he nominated Dr. Malik Baloch as the head of the provincial government although his party has only 10 seats in the legislature as compared to 22 of the P.M.L-N. and 14 of the Pk.M.A.P. As a quid pro quo, the P.M.L-N.’s local leadership has asked for a greater representation in the cabinet. The new cabinet has attracted criticism for genuine reasons because it has completely excluded women and religious minorities from the elite-decision making body. Although under the 18th Amendment the government is required to limit the number of ministers to 15, a small cabinet is still not a valid pretext for not including even a single woman and non-Muslim. In addition, the cabinet’s composition also comes as a setback for all of us who cheered the election of Dr. Malik Baloch as Balochistan’s first middle class chief minister. On the contrary, more than 90% of the ministers inducted in the cabinet come from a feudal background. They have been awarded key portfolios not based on their political credentials but tribal influence. With a middle class representative leading the provincial government, progressive circles in Balochistan have legitimate expectations that Dr. Malik will sincerely strive to weaken the tribal structure and liberalize the Baloch society. In order to empower every citizen with education and economic opportunities, the government should consistently follow a policy that overtly isolates greedy and corrupt tribal chiefs. If that is not done, it is futile to anticipate a different outcome from Dr. Baloch as compared to his predecessors. While we emphasize the need for reviewing the composition of the cabinet, one should also be mindful of the fact that the chief minister enjoys too little authority over his own government. At all times, he is expected to respect the wishes of his coalition partners. It is not very easy to persuade him to oust tribal chiefs from his cabinet. However, what he can do is to make his own party’s representation in the cabinet more democratic. The National Party of the chief minister has always flaunted its middle class credentials. But its decision to offer ministries to so many tribal notables, instead of members of the middle class, women and religious minority groups, is in stark contradiction with the party’s mission. In order to make his government truly democratic, the chief minister must immediately include at least one female and a minority minister in the cabinet and reduce the presence of feudal lords. In Balochistan, women and religious minorities and even minority sects, such as the Shias, regularly face extraordinary challenges. While a large number of Hindus has been compelled to flee the province owing to security problem, the state of women’s rights and their representation remains absolutely abysmal. Access to education and health facilities also remain underachieved goals of Balochistan’s women. By accommodating women and minorities, the chief minister will be making a much-needed commitment to protecting their rights and also encouraging them to actively participate in daily affairs of the province. A government that snubs the rights of women and minorities merely to please or patronize tribal chiefs will not be deemed sufficiently democratic or representative of all sections of the population.

The word “Taliban” will not slip from Imran's mouth!
By Mahpara Qalandar
We are reproducing a news report below. It gives details of Imran Khan’s reaction to the killing by the Taliban of his own minister. We remind the LUBP readers that when Zohra Hussain was killed in Karachi on the eve of national elections in May, Imran Khan went mad blaming the MQM for her murder. Today he lost his third MP to the bullets of the Taliban. But like before, he has not uttered the word “Taliban” let alone condemn them. This shows how extremely stupid and equally dangerous he is. Even when he refused to name the Taliban, he refused to even call the murderers what they are: murderers.
What he, unbelievably, said was this: Talk to the Taliban! Yes, he still wants the state of Pakistan to negotiate with the terrorists from the position of weakness. He still refuses to condemn the Taliban who say they do not accept the constitution of Pakistan. He wants to surrender the sovereignty of the state of Pakistan to the Taliban. The fake liberals who still support this senseless man should wake up. Imran Khan is a broken reed. The people of Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa voted him hoping that he would bring peace. But all he has done is get allied with the Jamaat-e-Islami and shout “Taliab are our brothers!” It is time to confront Im the Dim.

Bilawal Bhutto: 18th October is martyr's day

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, co-Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), said on Friday that 18th October is the martyrs’ day - ARY News reports. The statement was made during an address to the party workers on account of Karsaz Incident, which claimed more than 150 lives, six years ago. While speaking to the workers, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari stated that its human nature to run away from danger but Pakistan Peoples Party has faced danger. He added that PPP has given sacrifices of their leaders and supporters. He further stated that PPP is a brave party and is a party of the supporters. Speaking on the sacrifices given by the PPP, the Joint Chairman of PPP explained that Salman Taseer and Shahbaz Bhatti sacrificed their lives while protecting the Christian Community of Pakistan. He stated that the party has given sacrifices of their leaders and supporters for Pakistan Lashing out against the PPP opponents, he claimed that the party is not "Coward Khan" who makes deals after Church attacks. He further alleged that Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri made Islamabad hostage but it was PPP who foiled the intentions of Dr. Qadri. He also said that the supporters of terrorists are celebrating in the country today. On the 2018 general elections, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari stated that he will strengthen the Pakistan Peoples Party and Asif Ali Zardari will be the commander of the supporters. He claimed that PPP will save the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) from the tsunami in the province. Speaking against the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), he alleged that the party will cut the kite of Karachi. He also claimed that PPP will hunt the lion, which is feeding its stomach with the blood of the people. Earlier, CM Sindh and President of PPP Sindh Qaim Ali Shah and Raza Rabbani, gave tributes to the people killed in the incident.

Zardari will be Jiyala’s bow, me arrow in next elections

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that Asif Ali Zardari would turn out to be a Jiyala's "bow" and he himself an "arrow" in next elections. Addressing the party workers on 6th anniversary of Karsaz incident, Bilawal said that the whole nation was celebrating Benazir Bhutto's return, however, the bomb explosion occurred and the party workers rendered their sacrifices for their leader. He said that the party workers sacrificed their lives for the restoration of democracy in the country. "PPP is not a political party but passion". Bilawal further said that Dr Tahir ul Qadri had made whole Islamabad hostage and in the current government one more armed person did the same. He claimed that the political parties who took shelter from the terrorists are now celebrating. Bilawal further said that Karachi is still a colony of London and pledged that his party would “rescue the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from the Tsunami”.

Bilawal lays wreath at memorial of Karsaz martyrs

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has laid floral wreath at memorial of martyrs, who lost their lives in Karsaz carnage. According to details, the PPP leader also offered Fateha for the victims of the Karsaz blast that killed over 175 people and injured 700 others. Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah and Mian Raza Rabbani among various other party leaders were also present on the occasion.

Bilawal declares war on “hijackers of faith”

Chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, on Friday said he was declaring jihad (holy war) against “hijackers of the faith”, DawnNews reported. Addressing his supporters at Karachi’s Karsaz on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the Oct 18, 2007 bomb blasts that killed 176 people during a historic rally led by Benazir Bhutto, Bilawal promised supporters that he would fight for the people. The PPP chairman said that on Oct 18, the Taliban had used a child in the suicide attack on the rally led by his mother on her return from Dubai. He said the PPP was a party of jiyalas (zealots), adding that it had given numerous sacrifices on several occasions. Speaking at the site of the attack amid cheer from party supporters, Bilawal said he had "sacrificed” his childhood and his mother for the country. During the address, he said Karachi still remained “a colony of London” and pledged that his party would “rescue the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from the tsunami”. He laid a floral wreath at the memorial of those killed in the Karsaz bombing and offered prayers for the victims. Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah, PPP leader Mian Raza Rabbani and various other party leaders were also present on the occasion. Bilawal then headed to the mausoleum of Abdullah Shah Ghazi to pay his respects.

Bilawal: PPP will save K-P from drowning in PTI tsunami

The Express Tribune News
In a war of words that spilled over from the online world, Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) patron-in-chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari declared his party was not like the “cowardly” Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan. Bilawal was speaking in Karachi on the anniversary of the 2007 attack on Benazir Bhutto’s caravan on Karsaz road that had killed at least 180 people. The young Bhutto told a charged crowd of supporters that Imran Khan “stood outside the church and made excuses for the terrorists who were responsible for the attack,” after the Peshawar church bombing that killed at least 78 people and injured over 100 others on September 21. “PPP will save the people of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa from drowning in the tsunami,” Bilawal claimed. The patron-in-chief also said that PPP is a party of “courageous and martyred” leaders, and is not afraid of terrorists. Commenting on the May 2013 general elections, he said the PPP had given a lot of sacrifices to win the 2007 elections, but in the recent elections the party gave up its seats to protect its members. “In the 2018 elections, Asif Ali Zardari will be Jiyalas’ bow and I will be the arrow,” he further stated. Bilawal also said the PPP “saved Islamabad” from Mohammad Sikander, the man who was responsible for the standoff that had been created on Constitution Avenue for almost six hours on August 15. The stand-off had ended when PPP leader Zamrud Khan had approached the gunman and tried to grab him after which the police shot and arrested Sikander. Bilawal assured the general public that he would fight for them and give his life for them. He also added that if someone had sacrificed his brother or son to acts of terrorism then from today onward, he would be their brother or son. In a veiled reference to the MQM’s hold over Karachi, Bilawal said that “although Pakistan got its independence in 1947, Karachi is still a colony of London.” He also declared “jihad” against religious extremists and further added that “Sindh will once again be PPP’s stronghold.”

Picture: Former President Asif Ali Zardari addressing an Eid Milan party at Naudero House

Naudero, Oct 17, 2013: Former President Asif Ali Zardari addressing an Eid Milan party held here at Naudero House Thursday evening. PPP Patron Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, CM Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah, Ms. Faryal Talpur MNA, Syed Khursheed Shah, Agha Siraj Durrani, Syed Owais Muzaffar and others were also present on the occasion.