Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Haqqani Network:US Senators push legislation FTO label

Two key US Senators have introduced legislation in the US Senate asking for the Haqqani Network to be designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation (FTO), saying it fits the criteria outlined for the FTO. Senator Dianne Feinstein, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and vice chairman of the committee Senator Saxby Chambliss issued a press release on Tuesday saying they have asked, in the bill, for the State Department to designate the Haqqani Network as an FTO. The release stated that the “FTO designation makes it illegal to provide material support or resources to the Haqqani Network, an organisation responsible for the deaths of hundreds of US, Afghan and coalition service members in Afghanistan and countless civilians.” The bill comes a day after Congress was to vote on a bill calling for the Secretary of State to report whether the Haqqani Network met the criteria of being designated as an FTO or not. The House has yet to vote on that bill. “You cannot negotiate with terrorists, and in my view that’s exactly what the Haqqani Network is,” said Senator Feinstein. “I have urged the State Department to designate Haqqani as an FTO for more than two years. Meanwhile, the organisation continues to kill Americans in Afghanistan and launch brazen and indiscriminate attacks against innocent men, women and children in the region.” In the press release, Senator Chambliss dubbed the Obama administration’s failure to designate the Haqqani Network as a FTO as indefensible. “The Haqqanis have conducted numerous attacks against our military personnel, assaulted our embassy in Kabul and continue to pose a grave threat to the security and interests of the United States. It is well past time to designate this network as a terrorist group,” he stated. According to the criteria of the FTO designation, the organisation can be dubbed as such if it is foreign, engages in terrorist activity which threatens the security of United States citizens or the national security of the United States. US officials have repeatedly called on Pakistan to take action against the Haqqani Network, which they have blamed for a series of attacks on US-led forces in Afghanistan, and an attack on the US Embassy in Kabul. The press release said that the Senators had also written to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in May, asking her to immediately designate the Haqqani Network as a FTO. “The Senate legislation is cosponsored by Senators Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.)”, said the press release.

Shahbaz inciting parochialism

Qaira has said the Punjab CM was inciting parochialism in the guise of politics. Talking to media after the meeting of the Federal Cabinet, Federal Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira said the PM apprised the Cabinet that he has received a letter from Registrar of the Apex Court through the Attorney General in which the Supreme Court has sought information about progress on implementation of National Reconciliation Ordinance. The Federal Cabinet was informed that Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf had received the Supreme Court Registrar’s letter in the NRO implementation case and forwarded it to the Ministry of Law. He said the Prime Minister has sent the letter to the Law Ministry to take the cabinet into confidence on the issue. Qamar Zaman Kaira said that the Law Minister informed the cabinet that under Rule sixteen of the Rules of Business‚ the matter should be forwarded to the cabinet for approval. He said the PM directed the Law Minister to give a quick response. He said that the even a special meeting of the cabinet can be convened‚ if necessary‚ to finalize the issue. He said the federal cabinet approved that there would be no load shedding at Taraveeh‚ Sehar and Iftar timings during Ramazan. He said the federal cabinet also approved Rs 2.5 billion rupees Ramazan Package and 57000 utility stores throughout the country will offer subsidy on a number of daily use items. The Information Minister said the cabinet approved in principle to increase quote for non-Muslims in the National and provincial assemblies proportionate to their population.

Row over Veena Malik's Kannada movie

The Times of India
Ever since it went on the floors, Sandalwood's Dirty Picture: Silk Sakkath Maga has been a talking point in Gandhinagar. From Pakistani starlet Veena Malik
being a part of the project, to Ekta Kapoor sending a legal notice with regard to the title of the film, the Trishul directorial has been in the news often. The latest is a protest staged by a political outfit against the choice of heroine in the film — Pak actor Veena Malik — with a demand that she be replaced by an Indian actor. But Trishul remains unfazed by the criticism. "India is a democratic country and I have the freedom to do what I want, including making a film of my choice. We're not doing anything wrong. Let them take me on. I know how to answer them. I don't have any objectionable content in my film, so why should I feel guilty? Let them watch the movie and then decide if there's anything offensive in it," adds the director. The political outfit has raised objection with regard to Veena's nationality and her being a part of the film. "What does her nationality have to do with acting? I don't think that everyone from Pakistan is a trouble maker. Don't we have traitors in our own country?" asks Trishul. As for replacing Veena, the director says he will not entertain such suggestions. "Nobody in Sandalwood, Tollywood, Bollywood or Kollywood can match Veena's calibre. She's an all-rounder. Until now, people have only seen one side of Veena. I will portray the other side in my film," asserts Trishul. He further adds that the level of commitment shown by the actor so far has been remarkable. "Be it sentimental or bold scenes, Veena does them with panache. Even though she doesn't understand Kannada, she knows the dialogues. Our film will be high on entertainment and nowhere have we made any reference to Veena's origins or shown something that will offend audiences," he sums up. Contributed by Madhu Daithota 'We will not allow the film to release' Pakistan has been branded a terrorist nation and Veena Malik has been sent to India to find out what is happening in the country. We should not entertain people from an enemy nation. Why do we need a Pakistani actor? Why not a Kannadiga? Does Veena Malik have something that our actors don't have? I will present a memorandum to the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce tomorrow about this issue. At no cost will we allow the release of the film. In fact, I want details about every member on Veena's crew. What is the guarantee that they are not terrorists?

VIDEO: Imran, Nawaz Our Supporters, Cameron Minter

In response to a question about the possibility of an anti-US government coming to power in the next general election, Munter said both Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan and PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif had assured him that their parties "support" the US. "I've met both Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif and they have assured me that their parties fully support the United States," he said.

Pakistan: Police demolish Ahmadi worship place minarets in Kharian

The Express Tribune
Six minarets of an Ahmadi place of worship, Bait-ul-Hamd, were demolished by the Kharian city police Tuesday night. The demolition took place on the application of Saqib Shakeel Ghazi, Syed Iftikhar Kazmi and others from the Barelvi religious organisation called Tehreek-e-Tahaffuz-e-Islam. It had been filed to the Kharian police station. The application asked the police to take action under the Section 298 B and C of the 1984 ordinance, which declares it illegal for Ahmadis to act or look like Muslims, to practice or propagate their faith and to call their worship place a “mosque”. There were no court orders for the demolition. Police personnel, under the supervision of DSP Sultan Meeran, assisted by SHO Kharian Sadar Police Station Raja Zahid went to the worship place located near Kabari Bazar, Pul Nullah in Kharian. Ahmadi community spokesperson Nasir Dar told The Express Tribune that six minarets had already been demolished whereas the police would demolish the two bigger ones later on as one was attached to the worship place’s electric supply and the other would fall on the building if not taken apart with the help of skilled labour. The Kalma written on the front of the worship place’s entrance was also removed by the police as well, and the complimentary quotes about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were whitewashed. SHO Raja Zahid said, “Everything was done amicably and peacefully and 80% of the work has been completed.” Zahid further told The Express Tribune that after receiving the application from the afore-mentioned religious organizations, two meetings with the Ahmadi community and the applicants of the religious organization were held. Afterwards a committee formed by DSP Sultan Meeran decided that it would be better to demolish the minarets. Zahid added that “noted and respected citizens were part of this committee also.” SHO Raja Zahid said that the decision to demolish the minarets and other similar actions taken regarding Baitul Hamd were done “after a mutual consensus of the parties involved and the Qadiani community members who were very cooperative”. “The reason for taking armed police personnel was for the protection of the Qadiyani community also,” said a police official. Zahid added that, “We made sure that we were respectful, but the law of 298-B clearly states that Qadianis cannot call their worship place a ‘mosque’, so if it cannot be called that, then it cannot resemble the mosque either,” said Zahid. However, Ahmadi community representative Nasir Dar interprets the “mutual consensus” differently. Dar said, “In our meeting with the police and the applicants, we told them that they can take off the Kalma and whitewash the quotes, but the minarets should only be taken off unless there is a court order to do so.” “In fact we pleaded that the minarets should not be touched but nobody paid attention to our plight,” added Dar. He said that the community could not do anything except let the demolition happen because they do not disobey the law. Dar alleges that during the two combined meetings with the Tehreek-e-Tahaffuz-e-Islam members and the SHO, Saqib Shakeel Ghazi threatened that if the police did not demolish the minarets, they would do so themselves. Bait-ul-Hamd was built in 1980, four years before the 1984 Ordinance. The spokesperson for the Ahmadi community in Pakistan, Saleemuddin said, “Is there a patent for the design of a minaret that these people have?” “All kinds of buildings have minarets and domes as part of their designs then why can’t the Ahmadis retain the ones which are on the pre-1984 worship places?” Speaking to The Express Tribune, Hussain Naqi, a senior member of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said “The police and state are not timid in such incidents, they are not even appeasing to the extremist elements but conniving with them.” Naqi added that the Chief Justice of Pakistan should take a suo motu. “Till the blasphemy laws are repealed such incidents will keep happening,” he said, adding that the police whitewashing the complimentary quotes for the Prophet and taking off the Kalma tiles was an act of blasphemy as well. This is the third major incident this year which involves the status of an Ahmadi place of worship. In May 2012, a lower court in Lahore, ordered the police to act as per law on an application which asked for the demolition of Baitul Zikr in Lahore. In March, couplets of the Holy Quran written on tiles at the Sultanpura place of worship in Lahore were desecrated when police got them removed via labourers.

World Population Day,,16087508,00.html
More than 7,057,608,000 are expected to be alive on earth by the end of World Population Day this Wednesday. The global population is still growing overall, but demographic discrepancies are widening. More than 7 billion people inhabit planet earth, with the overall growth continuing unabated on World Population Day. According to figures from DSW, the German world population foundation, the number of people on earth rises by 2.6 per second, 158 per minute, over 225,000 per day, or almost 83 million per year. Modern population growth is fueled primarily by Africa, Asia and Latin America, while populations are steady - or even sinking - in much of Europe. DSW estimates that the number of people in Africa will increase more than threefold this century, reaching around 3.5 billion. A spokeswoman for the DSW foundation, Ute Stallmeister, told the dapd news agency that this was largely owing to the number of unplanned births in Africa. World leaders will convene in the British capital on Wednesday for the London Summit on Family Planning, which hopes to raise $4 billion (3.25 billion euros) to give an additional 120 million women access to contraception by 2020. The UN estimates that 220 million women in the developing world do not want children, but also cannot access contraception. The cause has attracted high-profile patrons such as Microsoft mogul Bill Gates. "Because we didn't have contraception or family planning on the agenda, we weren't putting new money into it," Gates said in an interview with the Reuters news agency. "We weren't saying this is a priority. So this is our moment in time to say this is a priority and we need to fund it." Countries like Germany, on the other hand, are dealing with lower birth rates and higher life expectancies, with the population dropping slightly even after being bolstered by immigration. "It's a challenge of historic dimensions, because the number of people of employment age will drop by about 30 percent by 2050," social scientist Steffen Kröhner told Germany's ARD broadcaster in an interview. "I wouldn't class it as a catastrophe. But we will have to say farewell to a lot of things, not least the idea of perpetually increasing wealth. And we will need to come up with totally new ways of thinking when it comes to pensions, healthcare, and infrastructure in more sparsely populated rural areas."


For decades, Quetta remained ignored capital of this Province as the officials normally paid no heed to its needs, mainly on its basic infrastructure. This can be proved that there was a park in central Quetta where the officials, all aliens, allowed construction of dozens of concrete building eliminating the only breathing space of this provincial capital. It was the level of interests of the officials who ruled Quetta. Seldom local officials were posted in Quetta. All DMG and CSS officials were brought and given sensitive posting and the locals were never trusted. The second element was that they encouraged and patronized the corrupt to pilfer the public money so that Quetta is denied a decent infrastructure right from the very outset. The corrupt elements were responsible for constant overflow of gutters, heaps of garbage everywhere, polluted water for human consumption and no replacement of rusty pipeline laid almost a century ago. No plan was prepared to provide drinking water to the entire population and without any discrimination. The fund provided for development of surface dam to boost portable water supply were embezzled by officials from the Federal Government. One official of Haj scandal fame was responsible for embezzling more than 34 billion of WASA destroying the whole project in connivance with the scholarly ministers in the Cabinet. We hope that the Chief Secretary will effectively supervise the spending on infrastructure development in Quetta ensuring quality construction and disallow any pilferage of public money so that the benefits should go to the people—not to the ministers or the corrupt officials, engineers and contractors. The prime job is to stop the constant overflow of gutter and sewerage water on main roads, stop people dumping waste in the open drain line or storm water drains of Quetta and finally, quality of construction should be ensured while building all roads or overhead bridge or flyovers.

Pakistan’s first super model

The Express Tribune
No fashion model of the 1970s got paid in the thousands, except for the larger-than-life Rakhshanda Khattak,
who had to travel a rough road to make a name for herself in the still fledgling Pakistani fashion industry. Once, her husband Husain Javeri, a jeweller who hardly ever skipped work, decided to accompany her to a modeling gig. After watching his wife having to bend, stretch and contort her body for the perfect pose, and that too for the pittance she was being paid, he approached the advertisement director and demanded his wife be paid ten times the amount to make it worth her time. That was the amount of money someone would have to pay him to be away from his wife, he said. The director was shocked but since he could not afford to lose her, he agreed. Following this incident, Rakhshanda went on to become the highest-paid and yet the most sought after young model of her time.
The Burmese-Pathan woman had her photos splashed across fashion layouts in various English and Urdu magazines. She did commercials ranging from products such as paints and toothpaste. She boasted a height many envied, and could drape her curvaceous figure — a far cry from the anorexic waif look of the New York and Paris fashion world that has caught up with Pakistani models — in a classical sari or sashay about in casual bell bottoms, and still look desirable. When she entered a room, heads turned as men stealthily gazed at her while women inspected her style. Besides being gifted by exotic looks, she was a woman of many talents. Rakhshanda was fluent in five languages. She was the first Pakistani woman to earn a black belt in karate and the second black belt in Jiu-jitsu. This helped her execute her own stunts in an action-packed feature film named Jane Bond 008 in 1971. While her stunts awed audiences, something else captured the attention of the women: The black-and-white Pakistan-Iran collaboration (that included an Iranian producer and male lead actor) featured the young actress wearing a low-waist sari. And such was the impact of her fashion statement that it became a rage with young women to drape saris closer to their hips. Rakhshanda forayed into the show business when a family friend offered to cast her in a marketing campaign for his products. She did a few projects with him, and when she got noticed by other agencies she exploded into the limelight. She was not represented by a management company or fashion house because such entities did not exist at the time. Advertising agencies were shady and models had to monitor their photo shoots on their own to make sure they were not being used without permission and due payment. Since there were no modeling agencies or styling salons, most models did their own hair, makeup and wardrobe. The typical fees for a modeling photo shoot was somewhere around Rs300, and that too was often delayed or worse, pocketed by the agencies. That was until her husband, the man who managed to steal her heart from her elite group of admirers, got her more. They were married in 1970. Husain owned a famous jewelry store on Victoria Road, which later became Abdullah Haroon Road, and he designed some of the jewellery that Rakhshanda wore at the posh social gatherings. He would sometimes sell the jewellery by the end of the party, and this never pleased Rakhshanda. He would pacify by her saying, “Don’t worry I’ll make you something much better!” Which he would, but then when these fine pieces of jewelry were displayed on Rakhshanda and the opportunity came to sell, he probably did so. Rakhshanda and Husain, along with their son Chengis, migrated to Alberta, Canada, at the end of 1979 to be closer to one of Husain’s brothers. Later in 1983, the Javeri family became naturalised Canadian citizens. The fame and spotlight that Rakhshanda left behind in order to begin life in her new homeland left a vacuum that she filled by turning to designing her own clothes and cooking. She attended the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology and got her red seal in cooking and baking. Usually people specialise in being a chef or a baker, but she mastered both and topped both her classes. Her love for clothes got her working in designer stores. She would go on to become a manager at every store she worked. Rakhshanda’s love for Pakistan never died and, according to her son Chengis, she came back to Pakistan 22 times in the 30 years since she migrated. She missed the sense of community that came with friends and family. She also missed the Karachi night life, which pretty much waned over the years as political change of the 1980s spread conservatism in society. Rakhshanda died in her Alberta condo in December 2011. She is survived by her son, who is an artist and actor in Alberta, and her five sisters, four of whom live in Pakistan while the other lives in Texas. Rakhshanda ruled the hearts of millions during her prime, and her departure from the industry left her fans wistful for more. Now that she has taken a final bow from this world, fans like me celebrate the legacy she has left behind. Rakhshanda Khattak, no doubt, was Pakistan’s first super model.

Afghans protest over woman's public execution

Dozens of Afghan women's rights activists took to the streets Wednesday to protest against the recent public execution of a young woman for alleged adultery, which was captured in a horrific video. The 22-year-old victim was shot dead as dozens of men cheered in a village about 100 kilometres (60 miles) north of the capital Kabul. The execution was blamed by the authorities on Taliban militants and caused global outrage, with world leaders denouncing the Islamists, who are waging an insurgency against the Western-backed government. "We want justice," the protesters, almost all women, shouted as they marched from the women's affairs ministry towards the UN headquarters in Kabul. "The execution of the woman by the Taliban was a crime... the government must do everything to bring the culprits to justice," parliamentarian Shinkai Karokhail, who joined the march, told AFP. "This is the duty of the government to deliver justice." President Hamid Karzai condemned the killing as un-Islamic and unforgivable, while security forces have launched a manhunt for those responsible. The commander of NATO's 130,000 troops in Afghanistan, General John Allen, offered to help local security forces track and capture the men involved in what he called "an atrocity of unspeakable cruelty". Public executions of alleged adulterers were common when the Taliban were in power from 1996 until 2001, when they were ousted by a US-led invasion for harbouring Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 attacks.

After four years, music in Swat returns to where it belongs: under the open sky

The Express Tribune
After a hiatus of four years, folk musicians returned to entertain audiences under the open sky through their dance and renditions of music in Mingora on Monday. The musicians were performing at a wedding without any security restrictions. People of all age-groups were seen dancing to the beats, singing along with the performers. The event was open to all. “After a day’s work, I was in no mood to come here. But after hearing excited voices and blaring music, I came running to watch it live. I have to say, it’s just marvellous,” said Zahir Khan, a resident of Amankot. Idrees, a young boy who was dancing at the function, said, “I’m feeling ecstatic, we have been starved for this kind of entertainment for so long.” Music constitutes an integral part of celebration in Pakthun society. They hold musical concerts at wedding ceremonies, which are attended by not only relatives and friends but also outsiders frequently. “It is our custom to hold musical nights on weddings, which saw a temporary interval when terrorists uprooted the social fabric in this land. But it is good to see such events happening again,” Syed Karim Shilmani, a music lover, said. Even during the hard times under militancy, he never stopped listening to music, ever so secretly, he told The Express Tribune. Some of the musicians who had come from parts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa seemed excited over the overwhelming response and hospitality of the audience. “We frequent Swat for concerts. It’s a great source of joy for us. But then we had to discontinue for security reasons,” said one musician. Muntazir, a singer from Sakhakot, said, “We are really excited to be performing here for the wedding ceremony of our friend.”

LAHORE: Liked the laptops? Now pay more fee

Punjab University Vice Chancellor Mujahid Kamran, selected by Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, has decided to go one step ahead in destroying the CM’s efforts to lure the youth into voting for him in the upcoming elections by raising the PU examination fee by a whole 20 percent, Pakistan Today learnt on Tuesday. “This move is going to hit the poor students the hardest and we condemn the CM and his blue-eyed VC for making this decision without taking this into consideration,” students said, adding “Why did the Punjab government not give funds to the PU if they felt the need to raise exam fee? What is the point of laptops when we are going to have to pay increased fee for sitting in exams?” “This standard adopted by the CM is hypocritical. On one hand he is raising the slogans of going out of his way to facilitate the youth, especially the poor, in acquiring education. On the other hand he has raised the examination fee,” they said. Meanwhile, student unions across various campuses have also condemned the move and have announced protest demonstrations all over the province if the decision is not taken back. PU holds examinations for BA/BSc and MA/MSc in various colleges affiliated to it all over the province. Recently, a 20 percent in the BA/BSc and a 10 percent increase in the MA/ MSc examination fees were announced. This decision is going to effect students from far-flung areas of Bahawalpur, Hafizabad, Lahore and Sialkot, sources said. “The CM and the VC seem to be beyond any and all accountability. We are poor, every day is a battle to earn livelihood and such news come as salt to our wounds,” said Sabiha Bibi, a mother of a BA student, adding “there has never been any government in Punjab that is as anti-education as Shahbaz Sharif’s.” A PU student who got a laptop three months ago under Punjab CM’s laptop scheme, said the students too were annoyed with the CM over this decision. “The PU administration is trying to make up for the money it spent on the distribution ceremony,” she added. “I am willing to return my laptop if the fee raise is taken back,” another student said. “I have no idea why the fee is being raised,” an official of PU, asking not to be named, said, adding that the university was a public institution and the examination fee should not be so high. STUDENT UNIONS VOW TO LAUNCH MOVEMENT: Activists of the students unions have also opposed the increase in the fees. PU Islami Jamiat-e-Taliba IJT Nazim Haq Nawaz said the CM had gone back on his promise of reducing fee. Insaf Students Federation General Secretary Waqas Iftikhar said CM was spending billions on advertisements campaigns but there was no relief for the poor. He said spending people’s money on advertisement was cruelty. MSF VP Tanvir Gujjer said students were ready to come on roads against the Punjab government if it does not stop PU administration. He said this increase in fee was irrational and would be opposed.

USAID provides education opportunities for FATA students

The 81 recipient of US-funded scholarships, who has scored A and A+ grades during the recent ninth grade’s board examination (SSC Part1 examination) in FATA, were recognised in a ceremony held on Tuesday by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Five US-sponsored students scored above 490 points out of the total of 525, and two of them topped the Abbottabad and the Charsadda boards. Dr Marilyn Wyatt, the US awife, congratulated the students and wished them future success. “Without education, achieving sustainable human development remains an illusion,” said Dr Marilyn Wyatt. “I am proud that the US government is working with the Pakistani government and the FATA Secretariat to build a stronger economy where more young people like these we see here today can have a chance to apply their talent,” she said. These students were among the 1,363 FATA boys and girls who had received USAID-funded scholarships since 2008 to complete their secondary, vocational, or college-level education. Currently, 183 students remain enrolled under the scholarship programme in the following categories: Bachelor in Advanced Engineering Programme, Diploma in Advanced Engineering, and the Secondary School Certificate.

Nawaz, Imran are US supporters

Munter has claimed that both Nawaz Sharif and Imran have assured him that they are US supporters. US ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter said that restoration of Nato supply is not enough; Pakistan is, yet, to do a lot of things. Talking to UK News channel, Munter said that he has met Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif and both of them have assured him that they are staunch supporter of the US. He said that restoration of Nato supply is not enough; Pakistan would have to do a lot of things in order to curb terrorism and enhance economic cooperation. Blockage of Nato supply was a challenge for Pakistan who was deprived of more than 50 friends, he said. He said that fight against common enemy was possible only when Nato supply is restored properly. He accepted that the US offered an apollogy to Pakistan on Salala check post but the reality is that the issue was resolved when both the states recognized that both of them would have to deliver jointly. He said that the US is in dire need of endurance and broad-mindedness regarding its ties with Pakistan, adding that Pakistan may become part and parcel of solution to these issues but for this purpose it would have to express true responsibility of leadership, he said. The US envoy made it clear that Pakistan would have to have firm confidnce in masses’ power as masses are the sole power of any nation. He said that Pakistan would also have to admit that he is confronted with hectic challenges which may be resolved with the help and support of the people.

Imran, Nawaz assured of pro-US government

The US Ambassador in Pakistan Cameron Munter on Tuesday revealed that PTI chief Imran Khan and PML-N president Nawaz Sharif both assured him of a pro-US government after next elections, DawnNews reported. The US ambassador, during an interview with BBC Urdu, said that talks did not end at Nato supply restoration, adding that there was still a lot to do for economic development and to eliminate terrorism. He said that he has held meetings with chiefs of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz and Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf, adding both the leaders had assured him that they completely support the US. Commenting on situation in Afghanistan, Munter said that Pakistan has to become part of solution and not problem. The US envoy said that both countries will have to work together to eliminate insurgents’ hideouts inside Pakistan so as to ensure assistance in Afghan war. The ambassador said the Nato supply blockade had isolated Pakistan from 50 friendly countries and the resumption had opened the doors for further cooperation. Moreover, he said that the issue of expenses was not part of the negotiations for the resumption of the supply routes.